Free Resources
All resources are View Only. Please make a copy in order to use/have editable versions. All resources were created by me. However, I have definitely used others' work for inspiration. If you see something that deserves a credit to another teacher/artist please contact me here so I can give them proper accreditation. I try to include credit for all materials I use to make my resources. If you have questions about how to use a resource, please feel free to contact me here.
PYP Resources
PYP Elements Checklist - A resource to map the Approaches to Learning Skills, Learner Profile Attributes, and Key Concepts across the Transdisciplinary Themes.
PYP Elements Checklist Co-Constructing Document - A resource to co-construct unit ATLs, LPs, and KCs with students.
Unit Planner Template - This is a template to plan your units of inquiry and collaborate with colleagues
HRT Program of Inquiry - Grade Level Specific POI document
Inquiry Cycle Learning Engagement Mapping Template - This is a template to plan your learning engagements using the inquiry cycle. Two versions are included - an inquiry cycle template that runs throughout a unit and a "mini" inquiry cycles template to help map inquiry cycles for each line of inquiry.
Key Concepts Jamboard - A resource to help students develop inquiries utilizing the Key Concepts identified by the IB.
PYPx Jamboard - A resource to help students identify strengths/skills, create essential agreements, and develop inquiries around their PYPx topic utilizing the Key Concepts identified by the IB. (similar to the above resource with some additional slides)
PYPx Reflection - A resource to help students reflect on their PYPx group work.
Student Absence Assignment Sheet - A resource to record missed assignments when a child is absent.
Learner Profile Posters in Many Languages - Coming soon!
Inquiry Cycle in Many Languages - Inquiry Cycle Posters (based on Kath Murdoch's Inquiry Cycle)
Does It Exist? Provocation - A Google Slides Presentation to provoke students to think about modern and future advancements in our world. Part of a WWAIPAT Civilizations & Innovations unit.
Types of Pollution Learning Engagement - A learning engagement designed to help students inquire into types of pollution and their connection to human made systems.
PYP Authorization Timeline & Evidencing Checklist- A Google Sheets to help you plan your IB PYP (Re-)Authorization and store evidence of meeting IB PYP (Re-)Authorization criteria.
English Resources
Plot Mountain - A graphic organizer for students to plot their plots!
Figurative Language Activity - A resource to identify many kinds of figurative language in Encanto's hit song "Surface Pressure" by Lin Manuel Miranda. Teacher Version here.
DIBELS 8th Edition Score Calculator - Click on the grade level tab, enter raw scores and voila! Composite scores will appear.
Management Resources
Google Sheets Gradebook - Track student progress with color-coded conditional formatting to help you visualize what needs to be re-taught or see where a child is struggling.
Virtual Attendance Taking Sheet - Google Sheets to monitor online attendance with color-coded conditional formatting to help you easily see who is chronically absent, tardy, not responding, or leaving early.
Student Absence Assignment Sheet - A resource to record missed assignments when a child is absent.
BOY, Holiday, and EOY Resources
EOY Zoom Scavenger Hunt - Play a fun scavenger hunt via Zoom with your kids. Keep track of points here.
Spanish Resources
Coming Soon!
Math Resources
Apollo 13: A Digital Escape Room - A digital escape room designed for EngageNY's Grade 5 Module 2 Lessons 11 and 12. Not all files are accessible currently. I am working on it and will update it as soon as possible. Instructions/Answer Key here.
Mission Impossible: An Escape Room - An escape room designed for EngageNY's Grade 5 Module 2 Lessons 27-29.